For end-of-line test of printed circuit board assemblies, a so-called “test fixture” is used to make contact between the device under test and the test system. Such bed-of-nails fixtures are used for both in-circuit and functional test. In past editions of DMEMS, we have primarily focused on RF and Wireless test, which is on the FCT side. For those tests, the test points are typically quite large, at least for conventional board-level test. For this presentation however we will focus on strategies how to access smaller test points for a variety of tests, and we’ll look at it from both a mechanical and electrical perspective. What if you must do functional testing for a board with a 0.35 mm pitch connector on it? Can this even be done in a conventional fixture? What are the options and challenges? We’ll cover topics such as use of semiconductor probes for board level test, use of guide plates, probes that can “jump” down one grid size while maintaining the same diameter, multipin probes and more. What if such probes are used for high-speed signal transmission? We invite you to come to Raleigh this year to find out. In addition to discussion about DFT strategies for accessing smaller test points and targets, this presentation will also have a chapter on the latest designs of such fixtures (manual, in-line, vacuum etc.) and helpful accessories such as automated opener and closer features.
Matthias is the "Test Probe Doctor" at INGUN USA and provides technical consultation for the use of spring-loaded probes and test fixtures for production testing. Matthias has an IPC CIS certification. His background is in RF technologies.